Friday, January 25, 2008

Busy Bee #8

CageMatch video for Espionage A Trois vs Flavor Shot. Not fabulous, really. Spent so much time on the poster, didn't have much time to plan the video.

Busy Bee #7

50exes, originally uploaded by TedHobgood.

The third and final "XXXXX" teaser for CageMatch's Fiftieth Show Extravaganza.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Busy Bee #6

Poster design for the 1/24/08 CageMatch.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Busy Bee #5

Ethan Kaye came up with this funny idea: taking a particular amusing series of classic Superman panels and replacing the text. Go check out his versions first.

Then Jeff Scronce (nee Skronch) made his own, converting Ethan's hilarious idea into a meme. Go check out his stuff now.

Now that you've seen the innovators, you can go see mine:
Adam West
Star Trek

And finally, a blank version in case anybody else wants to give it a go.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Busy Bee #3

50exes, originally uploaded by TedHobgood.

Designed a second teaser tonight. Things will become clear next week.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Busy Bee #2

50exes, originally uploaded by TedHobgood.

Designed a logo and a teaser yesterday. More info as it becomes available.

Pic and video.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Busy Bee #1

We'll start off the year with a video. Amazon is letting people do video reviews now, where you make a video reviewing a product and then upload it to their site. I made a little two minute clip reviewing the movie The Ten. It was fun using existing footage as source material--all the video is from the movie (except for the action figure, which I had laying around the house) and all the music is from the soundtrack.

You can find the review here.


This is my New Year's Resolution Blog. I've never made a new year's resolution before, so this is a dynamic first. I have resolved...god, that sounds so serious. I have resolved to make a blog (this one here) that will document ever creative thing I do this year. The entries will be numbered, and hopefully it'll be fun and impressive to look at come December 31, 2008.

And here we go!