Sunday, April 29, 2012

TedHobgood's photostream

Now that's one dynamic Black Cat splash panel!ploop!I suck at making omelettes. Have since 8th grade.An attempt at drawing JFK.Bracket I made to hold my ipad on my drawing table.Dinner is homemade chicken walnut stirfry.
The five new editions to my family.13 Tom Swifts and a Three Investigators. This is awesome.Huge score at the PTA Thrift Shop? Don't mind if I do!My $200 worth of stock footage & music from @videocopilot has arrived!What's that, Thunderhooves? There's a fire down at the barn?The saddest of cows...
Today's sinus-busting luncheon.As I lay sniffling in my bed, the cold eyes of Mr. Penguin mock me...Sorry. Not an acceptable title.Thomas Jefferson sketch. #KnovemberLeftover sod, abandoned to perish artistically.I made art.
Can you tell I am about to get serious!This will be the dinner for this day. Elegant, ne c'est pas?This is what I accomplished tonight, and I like it. #goldenangelWas just testing the camera in my living room and stumbled across a spooky shot.Mebbe I'll just wear my funny hat and hide and eat cookies.Homemade lunchtime.

Blogging my whole stream?

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